Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Salam Tahun Baru

Salam tahun baru 1430H dan 2009M diucapkan kepada semua pembaca. Semoga tahun 2008 lebih baik dari tahun 2007 dan semoga tahun 1430 lebih baik dari 1429...

Saya ingin mengambil kesempatan untuk meminta maaf atas sebarang kesalahan dan mohon doakan kebaikan saya dunia dan akhirat.

Insyallah cabaran 2009 akan diharungi dengan berhati-hati. Semoga saya berjaya.




Pagi 31 Disember 2008 Muhammad Akmal diorientasikan di Sekolah Rendah Jenis Kebangsaan Cina Seng Keaw Seberang Jaya dengan muka masam...

Dia akan mula bersekolah di Tahun Satu mulai Isnin depan.

Insyaallah didoakan semua berjaya dan cemerlang di sana....


Tuesday, December 23, 2008

RET 565's 1st Assignment

In the construction of the building superstructures and substructures, maintenance purpose must have desired qualities in order to play its role effectively. Explain with the help sketches, the important and the various types of superstructure and substructure maintenance.

DUE Submission: 16 January 2009


Thank you...

Curricular Vitae

Kepada pihak yang berkenaan sila download printable version of my CV dengan klik pada ikon di bawah untuk tindakan seterusnya.

Sekian, terima kasih.


Monday, December 22, 2008

Mesyuarat Tapak SK Bertam Perdana

Mesyuarat berlangsung pada 22 Disember 2008 dalam keadaan tak seronok memandangkan progress yang tak memuaskan.

Yang seronok cuma jamuannya...

Delay lebih 30% bersamaan lebih 120 hari....!

Sapa nak jawab....?

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Mesyuarat Tapak ADTEC kali ke 16: Sesi Petang

Lawatan tapak dan unit-unit contoh telah dibuat di tapak selepas mesyuarat bermula selepas mesyuarat hingga lapar...

Makan tengahari jam 3 petang...

Terrer Sih...!

Pandai ngelak ni..... ilmu tinggi gak ni... tapi takpa.... kalau hangpa tak puas hati kasut tu tak kena dia, meh pakat pi baling kasut kat muka dia.... hehehehh sila klik SINI...

Selamat bermain...!

Sekian, terima kasih...

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Mesyuarat Tapak ADTEC kali ke 16

Mesyuarat tapak ADTEC kali ke 16 berlangsung pada 18 Disember 2008 di Pejabat Tapak JKR. Laporan seperti dilampirkan.

Adtec Pre No.16 Des 08
View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own.

Monday, December 15, 2008

ADTEC 16 Disember 2008

Berikut adalah gambar ADTEC di bahagian yang tidak ditunjukkan pada post yang lalu untuk perhatian sesiapa yang berkenaan, sekian, terima kasih...

Gambar ADTEC 16 Disember 2008

Berikut adalah gambar ADTEC pada 16 Disember 2008 di sekitar Bengkel-bengkel, Bangunan Pentadbiran, Dewan Kuliah Utama, Dewan Besar dan Pusat Sumber. Gambar di kawasan lain akan di upload lewat petang ini.

Sekian, terima kasih.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Laporan Audit November 2008

Kepada sesiapa yang berkenaan sila download dokumen Laporan Audit ADTEC November 2008 untuk semakan dan tindakan lanjut di icon di bawah:

Mesyuarat Tapak ADTEC kali bagi bulan Disember 2008 dijadualkan pada 18 Disember 2008.

Sekian, terima kasih...

Kunjungan Sahabat

Terima kasih kepada sahabat En Mohd Zarrin Bin Akhbar Ali dan En Fadir Bin Ishak sekeluarga atas kunjungan ke rumah kami pada Sabtu 13 Disember 2008 setelah lama tak berjumpa....

Semoga kalian semua diberkati Allah....

Terima kasih....

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Draf Laporan Audit Perunding

Kepada En Nordi dan En Najib sila download draf dokumen ini dan isikan pada tempat yang kosong untuk serahan pada Isnin, 15 Disember 2008... Sila siapkan sebelum tarikh tersebut.

Kita akan print pada pagi Isnin untuk diserahkan kepada Mr Rajendran Supiah Raman.

Penting... Sila ambil tindakan segera.

Terima kasih...

Ir. Muhammad Arkam
12 Disember 2008

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Sistem Pengurusan Kualiti JKR

Kepada yang berkenaan sila download dokumen Sistem Pengurusan Kualiti JKR di SINI untuk tindakan selanjutnya.

Terima kasih.

Bingkisan Khas

Lama tidak menulis di sini atas kesibukan dan kebetulan keluar dari dunia internet selama beberapa hari atas beberapa tujuan tertentu.

Lagi 20 hari menjelang tahun baru masihi 2009 sudah tentu azam 2008 patut dinilai semula pencapaiannya....

Harap azam 2008 tidak di "bawa ke hadapan" untuk tahun 2009 supaya menepati kriteria untuk menjadi manusia yang berjaya, manusia yang hari lebih baik daripada semalam dan tahun ini lebih baik dari tahun lepas....

Ini kerana cabaran setiap tahun adalah berbeza... Maka persediaan untuk menghadapi cabaran yang berbeza perlukan persediaan yang berbeza.

Antaranya ialah dengan meningkatkan diri dengan added value untuk dinilai orang lain, pesan sahabat saya-Nilai diri kita ditentukan oleh orang lain, bukan kita yang menentukan nilai yang kita hendak...

Sesuatu perbuatan akan dipanggil kerja jika dilakukan sekali. Jika agak selalu kita panggil tabiat.... jika lebih selalu dari selalu dipanggil sikap dan jika terlalu banyak selalunya maka akan mula dipanggil NILAI... dan nilai ini orang lain yang berikan, bukan kita minta...

Kita buat kerja yang baik secara berterusan maka satu hari nanti insyallah kita akan dinilai sebagai orang baik-baik kerana mengamalkan nilai yang baik, mudah-mudahan...

Begitulah sebaliknya...

Tulisan ini bukan untuk sesiapa, untuk diri sendiri jugak yang tak baik-baik dari dulu.... Tetapi mujur Allah masih pelihara saya dan berikan segala nikmatnya yang tak ternilai itu sehingga kini... Alhamdulillah....

Ingin saya mengambil kesempatan untuk mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha 1429H dan menyambut tahun baru masihi 2009 dan hijrah 1430 ini dengan kekuatan yang baru, azam baru, semangat baru, cita-cita baru, perubahan baru, nilai baru, sikap baru, mental baru, matlamat baru, impian baru, mungkin juga rumah baru dan kereta baru serta kerja baru (ada ke?)....

Saya juga ingin sekali memohon maaf kepada sesiapa sahaja yang saya ada lakukan kesalahan kepadanya sama ada saya sedari mahupun tidak... Tolong maafkan saya....

Semoga menjelang tahun baru nanti saya mampu melangkah sebagai orang baru...

Terima kasih kepada semua pembaca, terima kasih....



Gambar keluarga yang diambil sedikit waktu dahulu...

The Dangers of Microwave Ovens Everyone Needs to Know

The Dangers of Microwave Ovens Everyone Needs to Know
by BodyEcology.com

Do you stand in front of your microwave while it's heating food?

Or do you turn it on and run for cover, worried about the potential microwave dangers?

Microwaves, a common appliance found in just about every household, may be convenient, but they harm your health.

Did you know that your microwave might be a health hazard? Microwaves' quick cooking radiation robs your food of nutrients and causes toxic chemicals to leach out of plastic containers.

Microwaves: Killer Convenience

Microwave ovens, originally sold as "Radaranges," use technology that passes electromagnetic waves through food, exciting the molecules and causing them to move and heat up as they respond to the microwave radiation.

Most people don't think twice about heating up leftovers, defrosting meat, or popping popcorn in the microwave. Many new mothers even heat up breast milk or formula in the microwave.

But are we paying for this convenience with our health?

Studies on the effects of microwaves have been quite controversial as microwave technology has evolved over the years. In 1976 Russia even banned the use of microwaves!

Here in the US, microwaves are ubiquitous, but recent research shows that microwaves significantly decrease the nutritional value of food.

Microwaves have been shown to affect foods in these ways:

Reduce levels of vitamin B 12 Vitamin B 12 is essential for red blood cell formation, preventing anemia, and a healthy nervous system.

Decrease flavonoids by 97%! Flavonoids have anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and anti-microbial properties.

Break down bacteria-digesting enzymes in breast milk: Babies rely on enzymes from breast milk to establish a healthy inner ecosystem that digests food, absorbs nutrients and protects against pathogens.

Lower levels of sinapic acid derivatives: Sinapic acids scavenge for and neutralize free radicals, cancer-causing agents in your body.

Decrease antibody levels in breast milk: Antibodies in mother's milk protect babies from infections.

Microwaving foods may preserve more vitamins than boiling, for example, but that does not make it a safe and nutritious cooking choice.

Microwaving can significantly alter levels of vitamins and nutrients that you need for a healthy body.

Plastic in the Microwave

Another risk when using microwaves is that cancer-causing compounds from plastic containers and plastic wrap can leach into your food.

FDA science policy analyst Catherine Bailey says "When you microwave, it's a good idea not to have the plastic touch the food."

This is especially important advice for mothers who are currently heating their baby's bottle in the microwave.

Many mothers already know that microwaves heat liquids unevenly, so milk heated in the microwave could have hot spots that scald your baby. But the greater risk is that hormone-disrupting chemicals from plastic bottles heated in the microwave leach into the milk.

Bisphenol A, a chemical toxin that affects neural and reproductive development, is present in some popular plastic baby bottles and low doses of the chemical are linked to cancers, early puberty, obesity, and diabetes.

Avoid the possibility of toxins contaminating your food by not microwaving in plastic at all.

Baby bottles heated in the microwave can leach dangerous toxins into breast milk or formula. Your best bet? Avoid microwaves altogether when heating liquids for your baby.

Minimize Damage from Microwaves

The easiest way to avoid the damaging effects of microwaves is not to use them, but here are some ways to help you lessen your dependence on microwaves:

Foods, especially fruits and vegetables, are best eaten raw, parboiled quickly or lightly steamed to retain nutrients.

To heat water for hot drinks, our favorite alternative is fast and effective, without microwave dangers: Chef's Choice cordless electric kettle.This stainless steel kettle heats your water so fast that you won't even miss your microwave!

If you must use plastic from time to time find ones that do not leach Bisphenol A. A far better choice is to use glass baby bottles, which we think is the best baby bottle option for supervised use. You may want to switch to a safer plastic option for unsupervised use.

If you must use plastics, do not heat them in the microwave. Look for polypropylene and polyethylene plastic containers if you do use plastics.

Get a Turbo Oven ( a small convection oven) to cook quickly and healthfully! A convection oven. With a Turbo Oven, you cook faster and more evenly in half the time of a regular oven, without microwave dangers!

You do not have to subject yourself to microwave dangers. By choosing other methods to cook and store your food, you can be sure that your food will retain nutrients and be toxin-free.


1 Kopp, William, "Microwave Madness," Omega News, 13 Apr 2006.

2 Lee, Lita, "Microwaves and Microwave Ovens," 14 May 2001. http://www.litalee.com/IDY055/FILES/Microwaves%20And%20Microwave%20Ovens.pdf

Raloff, Janet, "Microwaving can lower breast milk benefits," Science News, 25 Apr 1992.

Vellejo, F, et al, "Phenolic compound contents in edible parts of broccoli inflorescences after domestic cooking," Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, Vol. 83, no. 14, pp. 1511-1516. Nov 2003.

Watanabe, Fumio, "Effects of Microwave Heating on the Loss of Vitamin B 12 in Food," J. Agric. Food Chem., 46 (1), 206 -210, 1998.

3 Does Plastic in Microwave Pose Health Problems? Wall Street Journal, 12 Oct 1998. http://www.mindfully.org/Plastic/Microwave-Health-Problems.htm

4 Does Plastic in Microwave Pose Health Problems? Wall Street Journal, 12 Oct 1998. http://www.mindfully.org/Plastic/Microwave-Health-Problems.htm