Saturday, August 4, 2012


Blog ini memiliki domain daripada google yang harganya cuma USD10 setahun. Kalau tidak dibayar (seperti tahun lalu), blog tidak dapat diaksess lagi di public.

Bukan masalah UDS10 tu, masalah kalau sesuatu ketidakupayaan berlaku kepada saya, semua kandungan blog ini tidak lagi boleh diaksess selepas 2 September tahun berkenaan.

Kalau sesiapa yang tahu bagaimana untuk keluar kembali ke blogspot untuk view percuma walaupun harap boleh emailkan bantuan kepada saya.

Ada di sudut hati berharap blog akan terus ada walaupun tuannya sudah tiada.

Terima kasih wassalam.

Hello Google Apps Administrator,

Our records indicate that your domain registration for will expire on September 2, 2012 . To continue using your Google Apps services, you will need to take one of the following actions:

  1. Renew your domain registration for $10 for an additional year. This is the safest and quickest option to continue using Google Apps. To renew your registration, click here.
  2. Transfer your domain to a new registrar. After the transfer, you may need to modify your DNS settings to work with Google Apps.
Please note that if you decide to not renew or transfer your domain by September 2, 2012, you will disrupt your Google Apps service and could even lose your domain and all data associated with your account.

If you have any questions about your domain registration renewal, visit our Help Center at

The Google Apps Team


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